Nail Salon : How to take care Nails Hands To Not Easily Broken

Nail Salon : How to take care Nails Hands To Not Easily Broken || For most womenfolk have beautiful fingernails is a pride in itself. Moreover, these nails are nails strong and not easily broken. Having beautiful nails, strong, and beautiful will reflect the personality of its owner. If the nails looked dirty and unkempt would give the impression of a slob and valued as a person who was not clean, and less concerned about appearances. Surely you do not want to be the kind of person who is not ?.

In order to have the dream nails certainly not instinctive. There is a business and should be given special treatment. Easy and instant way that can be taken is to regularly go to the salon for a manicure. Surely it can be done if you have a lot of spare time of course you also have to provide a special budget. So how about the fate of those who do not so much free time and minimal budget? whether they have dispelled the dream to have a beautiful kukuyang ?. Of course not, there are still some other ways that can be taken without having mengeluarga many budgets.

The alternative way is to do it yourself at home treatments using natural ingredients. So you no longer need fro to salon and you can also mengalokaskan to salon funds for other purposes. Curious? mautau ?, or pengentau really? hehehe, let's look more below:

1. For nails strong and not easily broken medication from outside
Want to have beautiful long nails but failed continuously for brittle nails ?. Then there beebrapa things that can be taken is to provide treatment utilizing olive oil. The contents of the oil zaiitun able to make nails strong and not easily broken. The way is by applying olive oil on the nails and then let stand for at least 15 minutes until the oil is absorbed by the skin. Do this 2 day once regularly until the nail looks thicker and sturdiness.

2. To nail is not easily broken by the treatment of the
After making the first step treatment plan, but the nails are fragile and easily broken. It could be that it is because the nail supply deficiency of B vitamins, especially B5. The solution can consume vitamin capsules containing vitamin B5 which can be bought at the nearest pharmacy.

3. Manicure
Manikure not have to dilakuakn in the salon, you can do this yourself at home care. Provided you prepare for some purposes that support.

Tools should be prepared:
  • The hot and cold water
  • 2 pieces of medium-size bowl
  • Nail clipper
  • cuticle scissors
  • Nail file tool
  • Towel
  • Liquid soap, choose which feels soft skin
  • Nail polish, color please
  • nail polish
  • Smooth pumice stone / brick smooth
  • soft brush

Material :
  • Olive oil (specifically for body care)
  • Salt as needed
  • 3 Lemon citrus slices

  1. If you have colored nails previously strongly advised to remove the nail polish first with a special liquid nail color remover such as nail polish.
  2. Then pick up on the last piece of lemon and rub and rub it on the nail approximately 5-10 minutes.
  3. In the basin of hot / warm water before material input salt, liquid soap, lemon wedges and olive oil.
  4. Soak your hands for approximately 15-20 minutes, after which it could be to the foot.
  5. Grab a towel and then wash your hands and feet.
  6. Nail clippers and then the shape according to your wishes as he filed. Afterward bersikan also cuticles with special cuticle scissors that had been prepared earlier.
  7. While the foot soaked, soak your hands in a basin of cold water.
  8. After that rub off dead skin cells on the feet with a pumice stone to dead cells are separated. Then rub with your hands until all the dirt is gone.
  9. Dry nails while giving pijitan Kejari-finger attack and legs so that blood flow smoothly. So that the supply of vitamins is also smooth and not easily broken nails.