Nail Salon : Garlic For Nail Care To Look More Beautiful || Garlic to beautify your nails to make it look more beautiful. Garlic which we know is one of the ingredients to make a dish. But garlic is referred to here are the same as you normally use for cooking? The answer is yes. Garlic is a type of plant tubers are rich in benefits. In addition to functioning as pelezat food also serves as a means of beauty. Some women use garlic is to beautify their nails. Of course there is a special recipe for doing so.
Using garlic to beautify your nails fairly safe. Because garlic is an ingredient that is derived directly from nature that no side effects. Although garlic has a bad odor but herbs this one is very safe to be consumed daily to your nail care. You can eliminate the smell from your hands just by washing with soap alone.
There are several recipes handed down on garlic efficacious for this nail care. If you intend to enhance the appearance of your nails with natural ingredients and healthy, then you can practice any of the recipes below.
recipe 1
- Take one garlic
- Peel the skin to clean
- Plug it in your nails into the garlic repeatedly
- Garlic has significant benefits for your nails. In addition to making your nail more shiny, garlic is very useful to make your nails become stronger.
recipes 2
- Take 2 garlic cloves
- Rinse and then grate until soft
- Mix grated garlic with lemon
- Apply a mixture of garlic with lemon to your nails
- Rub gently
- Allow the nail that has been smeared for 5 minutes
- Rinse with clean water
- Do not rinse with soap. Although the smell less pleasant nails, you have to wait several hours to rinse. It is important that you have created a recipe that could work well on your nails
Beautiful nails are the hallmark of a woman. How can a woman take care of him will always be visible on the condition of the nails. If women have strong nails and regular then it can be said that she was a woman who diligently take care of themselves and always pay attention to appearances. Therefore do not be surprised if every woman wished to have a strong and beautiful nails.
Many of the causes why your nails become thin and brittle. One of them due to the condition of nails that are less healthy because it is often painted / polish. But that does not mean you have to stop your habit to paint the nails. You Just have to find another alternative to taking care of your nails are often dikutek to be more powerful. One of them with garlic recipe. Here is the recipe of garlic to your nail care are often in contact with nail polish / polish.